Turn on any news channel, and you will hear the words Right-Wing and Left-Wing. Along with these two words come the different ideologies like leftism, rightism, capitalism, communism, and socialism. These words describe the different political ideologies. I am sure that many people are not aware of what they mean. Also, these words are losing their real sense of meaning.

Since the spectrum of politics is changing in India for the past few years, people are siding with either the left-wing or right-wing. In fact, the perspective of people is changing. If you are not in support of the right-wing, people assume that you are a left-wing supporter. In short, there is no room left for centrist-moderates.
Generally, left-wing parties keep religion and government separate. They support taxation on the rich, globalization, and immigration openly. On the other hand, right-wing parties like to keep religion and government together. They believe in reducing taxes to push innovation and entrepreneurship. In another way, they support capitalism. The reason they are called conservative is that they believe in conserving the culture of the country. Both these ideologies differ from an economic point of view too. The more the government takes control of the economic affairs, it sways towards the left-wing, and less the government interferes in the economic affairs, they move towards the right-wing.
With the right-wing parties on the rise, a wave of socio-economic change has come in the form of Brahmanical fascism draping the robe of Hindutva. The powerful Hindu radicals are demonizing the lower-castes. Not only are they targeting the Dalits, but the atrocities against them are also increasing exponentially. Be it the suicide of Rohith Vemula or the public assault of Dalit men in Gujarat. It clearly shows the Savarna castes' tendency to subdue the marginalized caste.
We all are aware of what happened at the name of NRC. The implementation of NRC will lead to severe disruption of law and order in Assam and other parts of India. The left-out people mostly belong to the minority community. The right-wing BJP-led government makes them feel persecuted. As Mamta Banerjee's accusation of BJP for playing divisive politics seems true, the NRC in Assam could lead to a civil war in the country. There are certain faults in the final draft of the NRC. For example, in one case, one of the twins' names is missing, while in the other, the name of the spouse is missing. If this is the case, is the government planning to separate the families from each other? Why should people suffer the brunt of the government's discrepancies?
Once the NRC comes into force, it would be challenging to deport the people to Bangladesh as the neighboring country has already stated that they have nothing to do with Assam and India's internal issues. People who are asked to show the documents are those who have faced the traumatic experience of the partition. Wasn't it enough that they are forced to leave their homes once again? Clearly, the process of NRC lacks transparency and impartiality. India is a populous country with a low-literacy level. The government should strive towards providing maximum justice to every citizen and not pick up on the minorities.
Similarly, if we take up Assam's case, it clearly shows that some Foreign tribunals are behind the functioning and their main motive is to eliminate the minorities. The decision to recruit the young lawyers and remove the retired judges from the foreign tribunals is quite a suspicious move by the government. Isn't it evident that they are trying to bring the tribunal under their control? If the feeling of alienation keeps increasing among the masses or the minorities, communal unrest will undoubtedly take place. Doesn't it look unfair that the government is ready to exempt illegal Hindu immigrants? India will lose its credibility big time on the international forums as, on the one hand, they are voicing against China and Pakistan for exploiting the minorities, but on the other hand, India is kind of joining the league. The kind of path India is led towards by the right-wingers will definitely invite humanitarian crises. The government's duty should be to anticipate this distress and try to ameliorate the situation instead of fueling it more.
If we talk on the global level, Trump and Modi follow the same ideology by creating a permissive climate for the authoritarian right-wingers to thrive. Leaders like Jair Bolsonaro of Brazil, Viktor Orban in Hungary, Rodrigo Duterte in the Philippines, and Matteo Salvin in Italy are following Trump's illiberal policies. You could relate this situation to the present government of India. If you notice carefully, you will see that from the past six years, the national and economic power of India has decreased while the political power of the ruling government is increasing.
The thought of promoting a majoritarian group will do nothing but create a rift between different communities of the society. The government is trying to fulfill their agendas by risking the harmony between religious sects. The need for the hour is a well-balanced country with a balanced economy. One can't expect a country to grow by showing a regressive mindset towards the minorities. Also, conservative thoughts won't lead the country to any righteous path. It is essential for the country's overall development to keep the extremist agendas aside and move forward by taking everyone together.
It is high-time that top political personalities stop playing the blame game and start focusing on critical topics. The prime concern should be to improve the country's economic condition, establishing international cooperation, representing India on the global level, and creating a self-dependent country. And all this would not be impossible if we create a rift among us. Or else, the dream of Incredible India will stay as a far-fetched dream only.
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